We are excited to announce Randy Mason and the R.H.Y.M.E. program as the 2021 Verses Project Artist Grant Wild Card Winner


Randy Mason is an independent hip hop recording artist, pastor and the founder of R.H.Y.M.E. (Rhymes Help Young Minds Excel), a NYC youth educational hip hop program that bridges life skills and mic skills through the art of emceeing.

The Verses Project Artist Grant will support The R.H.Y.M.E. program, which uses hip hop to give students an opportunity to learn figurative language, improvisation, creative writing and thinking, and poetry - all while having fun. Students use the 4 elements of hip hop to discover their voice (emceeing), movement (breaking), a community (DJing), and their name (graffiti).


For more information, please follow Randy Mason at: www.randymason.org, IG: @randymasonmusic, Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/14239u5eHKG5Wr5gdpc3Ia?si=crUL1CiYShSBrmj6SJbsSQ


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